Submission Guidelines

UPDATE: Submissions are currently CLOSED.

“Vague ideas must be confronted by clear images”

– Jean-Luc Godard

The Salon is currently seeking new writing for its seventh issue, due in late summer 2014. Primarily we print Vermont authors; that is, authors living and working in Vermont or nearby.  However, we are also interested in writing from authors with a strong connection to Vermont. The writing itself does not have to be about Vermont or set in Vermont.

The vast majority of the submissions we receive are free-verse poems, but we are interested in publishing more essays, political commentary, reviews of new books by Vermont authors, letters responding to work in The Salon, interviews with local artists, plays, translations, metered and rhyming poems, and fiction.

Include your name, address, email, and phone number on each page, as well as a brief cover letter telling us about yourself.

Simultaneous submissions (a manuscript which you have also sent, or will send, to other publications) are accepted and encouraged as long as you notify us immediately upon acceptance elsewhere.

Previously published work will not be considered. Writing published online, including facebook and personal blogs, will not be considered.

Pay is 2 copies of the magazine and a 1-year subscription.

No rants, please; though we welcome political and controversial writing from all ends of the opinion spectrum.

No nature poetry, please; though we welcome writing which uses nature as a way to illustrate ideas about our world.

Spoken word, hip-hop, beat, comedy, and slam poetry is not primarily what we’re looking for. That said, we will print it if it works as well on the page as it does on the stage. What this means is: A spoken word poem, stripped of its performance aspects and naked – so to speak – on the page, will often work better if it is formatted or structured in some way. Ginsberg’s ‘Howl’, for example, is an example of a meticulously structured poem. If you submit random lines of free verse, we are very unlikely to print them.

Translations from any language are strongly encouraged (please include the poem in original language as well).

Rhyming poetry, and poems in traditional metrical forms, are strongly encouraged.

POETRY: Submit up to five poems.  Either single or double-spaced is fine. Feel free to print double-sided; it may save you postage.

PROSE: Submit one short story, up to 10 pages. The Salon also considers excerpts from longer works. We are primarily seeking short stories, but we will also consider memoir, essays, reviews, criticism, and interviews. Either single or double-spaced is fine.

PLAYS: Submit one short play, or excerpt from a longer play, up to 10 pages, standard format.

Our submissions address has changed –  send submissions to as a single attached doc. or pdf. file, with your cover letter in the body of the email. In the subject line of the email please include your last name and the genre in which you’re submitting, as well as in the name of the file itself. For example:

(subject) Poetry: Smith
